Entry 52
Ok, been a minute. Trying to keep up with these posts, but sometimes you’re just exhausted, ya know?
Not too many interesting things in the engineering world for me at the moment. Although I will note that I finally feel like I’m “out” of web development. The 2022 NextJS conf just happened, and it stirred up a lot of chatter in the web dev world (some about React’s increasingly close ties to the framework, some about bold and possibly risky decisions around their SSR approaches), but a lot of it is fully beyond me - I’m just not really in the know all that much anymore. Not a bad thing (I’m still trying to keep up to speed with everything), just a new development.
Watched a little bit from P99 Conf (which is becoming more and more of my world), but didn’t really tune in all that intensly.
Was really intruiged by a little posthumous reader on Mike Davis, an author and activist deeply tied to LA. His book City Of Quartz on the history of LA was available for download from their publisher, so I hope to get to it soon.
About halfway through Le Guin’s The Dispossessed at the moment, and it’s absolutely amazing. It’s making me ask so many questions of myself, in the best way. I know that this and The Left Hand Of Darkness are the standouts, but I’m hoping all the entries in the Hainish cycle are just as interesting.
Finally - the 80’s horror section on the Criterion Channel is a gold mine. Do yourself a favor and pick a few for spooky fun.